04 December 2008

Educators - figuring out your XYness

..... you can evaluate your class activities using my Teacher Classroom XYness.

...... all class activities migrate through four zones of 1) disruption (starter) 2) organized chaos, 3) excelling, and 4) accomplishment. The real "trim tab" is knowing the trigger points for each zone because that will allow you to manage the students appropriately. You can see the Teacher Classroom XYness here.

This is Part One, the teacher skills I covered earlier ........ today I just want to get you the XY chart so you can compare this technique to your work and chew on the points below:

- all activities start in disruption since that is when students find out what they need to do ...... stuff like the roles and responsibilities ..... how they'll be graded .... and how this ties into class work.

- the organized chaos will be the shortest, hopefully, lived zone, as students get focused on larger tasks they will be more involved with peers and actions that can be readily assessed.

- all the major task work is above the Curriculum Skills bar as moving above that bar is dependent on multiple teaching skills.

- the accomplishment zone isn't the "end all" for students..... when their work is completed they become tutors and start helping other student groups get the work accomplished.

.....more details when I publish Part Two on this one.


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